Customer Testimonials

Here's what our customers are saying about TalkingSpeaker™, Primary Elements™ and California Custom Web Designer products & services.

Primary Elements is our Royalty-Free Music Licensing service.
California Custom Web Designer is our Custom Web Design & Hosting service.

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Customer Testimonials

"Hi Mark - Just a short message to thank you for your quick response to my order for a TalkingSpeaker for my website  I urgently needed a [custom web audio] player with an Australian flag as part of the presentation as well as a link to my site within the player.  You produced the goods virtually the same day and the players are exactly what I wanted.  I wholeheartedly recommend your product and service!!"
–Nigel T Davies •, Australia

"Hi Mark, Thank you for the follow up.  It is definitely working out.  Our conversion rates have increased, and many people have commented on the audio [music mixing]."
–, Coral Gables

"This is awesome!  I think the [podsafe] music is a great fit and I like the voice [podcast bumpers] as well."
–Charlotte Bradley •, Ottawa

"It [custom web audio marketing player] looks and works great!  I was surprised at how fast you got it done.  Thanks so much - you have a winner!"
–Duane Shinn • Shinn Trading Inc., Medford

"Mark Lindsey helped make my [animated Flash] characters come alive [with music & sound effects].  He was attentive to detail and offered suggestions that made the projects better than I'd imagined.  All my deadlines were met with time for any adjustments and his gift of sharing 'how to' information kept my mind at ease.  I highly recommend his services."
–Karrie Ross • KG Ross, Inc., Los Angeles

"We want to thank you Mark.  Your service efforts and devotion to your clients are far in excess of what we would have expected and far above any other supplier.  We are extremely grateful to you and we appreciate your patience and ability to understand in depth, the needs of your client, and for supplying a final [Flash original music] product far better than we had planned.

We must state that in the trials and errors we had with many other suppliers, dealing with you was a wonderful experience."
–The Team, New York

"Excellent experience.  I highly recommend Mark.  He worked with another provider to design just want I wanted [commercial advertising jingle production w/ vocals & original music]."
–Doug Berry • Fantasy World, Abilene

"Thanks Mark.  These [custom music loops for Flash] turned out great."
–Eric •, San Francisco

"We are thrilled with the website you have created for us.  It is exactly what I envisioned.  It is professional and user friendly.  I'm confident our new site will add to the success of my business.  I have received several compliments about the site from our clients.  You did a great job."
–Susan Russo •, Novato

"Mark's positive contribution to Creativity has been significant.  He was originally hired to do music and sound design work [and later also database design & administration], at which he excels.  He is honest, highly committed and multi-talented."
–Charles Albert • Creativity, San Carlos

"Mark did an excellent job for me.  This was exactly I was looking for.  Highly recommended."
–Ivan Pestrikov • Dao Script, Russia

"Thank you for everything.  My wife and I put a lot of effort into this wedding and this song is the icing on the cake."
–Dave Stark, Levittown

"Awesome... they sound great."
–Boris Popkoff • Big Tree Sound, Woodside

"These guys are absolute pros.  Everything they worked on for me sounded incredible!"
–Jerry Castaldo • One-Man Show, Staten Island

"Thanks for your great work!  As expected, you did an excellent job!"
–Doug Kendall • Business Video, Irvine

"As soon as we listened to the impressive range of Mark's abilities, we knew we'd found our artist."
–Bill Irvine • Visionary Media, New York

"I was quite impressed.  Very often, all-electronic music sounds like a compromise, but not yours.  What I heard was very professional and quite enjoyable."
–Scott Emigh • CIBoLA Systems, Santa Ana

"Sounds like you've got a future in filmscore composing, etc."
–Gordon P. Firemark • Entertainment Law Offices, Los Angeles

"The music is great!"
–K.K., New York

"Thanks for making quality loops that really work!"
–R.P., Newton

"Your loops are awesome!"
–J.H., Stockholm

Contact us if you have any questions or would like a quote on your next web audio, music licensing/scoring, or web design project.

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